

全ての書籍 語学 A Study on Metaphorical Evaluation in Written Texts from a Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

A Study on Metaphorical Evaluation in Written Texts from a Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics


紙 版電子版


ISBN978-4-87259-481-2 C3082
判型・頁数 菊判・128ページ
目 次


Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Metaphorical Language and Evaluation
1.2. Study Objectives
1.3. Structure of the Book
2. Preliminary Study
2.1. Cognitive Linguistic Perspective on Metaphor and Metonymy
2.2. Linguistic Metaphors in Discourse
2.3. Metaphorical Evaluation
3. Focus and Methodology of the Study
4. Evaluations Conveyed by the Simile “Like a/an (premodifier) SPECIFIC ANIMAL”
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Preliminary Study
4.3. Aim and Method
4.4. Corpus-Based Study of Similes
4.5. Discussion
4.6. Summary
5. Metaphorical Evaluation in Texts Describing Music
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Preliminary Study
5.3. Aim and Method
5.4. Analysis of Metaphorical Evaluation in Texts Describing Music
5.5. Discussion
5.6. Summary
6. A Study of Metaphor Translation in Haruki Murakami’s Jerusalem Prize Acceptance Speech
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Aim
6.3. A Cognitive Approach to Metaphor Translation
6.4. Linguistic Metaphors Used in the Japanese Draft of the Speech
6.5. Translation of Linguistic Metaphors Used in Murakami’s Speech
6.6. Translators’ Intentions and Selective Translations of Linguistic Metaphors
6.7. Summary
7. Conclusion
7.1. Summary of the Research and Findings
7.2. Suggestions for Further Research

歳岡冴香(トシオカ サエカ)

Saeka TOSHIOKA is a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at the Center for International Education and Exchange, Osaka University. She received a BA (Letters), an MA (Language and Culture), and a PhD (Language and Culture) from Osaka University. She also received an MA (Translation Theory and Practice) from University College London. Her current research interest centers on the cognitive linguistic study of metaphor and translation studies. Her most recent publication in English is “Cognitiv…