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全ての書籍 語学 Virtual Japanese

Osaka University Humanities and Social Sciences Series

Virtual Japanese

Enigmas of Role Language


紙 版

役割語の豊穣な世界を紹介した『ヴァーチャル日本語 役割語の謎』(岩波書店、2003年)の英語版。待望の翻訳刊行。

ISBN978-4-87259-548-2 C0081
判型・頁数 その他・162ページ
目 次

「そうじゃ,わしが博士じゃ」としゃべる博士や「ごめん遊ばせ,よろしくってよ」と言うお嬢様のように,現実には存在しなくても,いかにもそれらしく感じてしまう日本語,役割語.誰がいつ作ったのか,なぜみんなが知っているのか.本書は役割語の豊穣な世界を紹介した『ヴァーチャル日本語 役割語の謎』(岩波書店,2003年)の英語版.海外在住の言語学者,日本語に関心のある読者に向け,待望の翻訳刊行.

CHAPTER 1 <br>
Does a Doctor Speak Doctor’s Language? The Role Language of an Elderly Male<br>
1. Dr. Ochanomizu<br>
2. Dr. Temma <br>
3. Seeking the Origin of Doctor’s Language<br>
CHAPTER 2 <br>
Stereotypes and Role Language<br>
1. What is stereotype? <br>
2. Real Life versus Virtual Reality <br>
3. Culture, Media, and Stereotypes <br>
4. The Hero’s Journey <br>
CHAPTER 3 <br>
Standard Language and Non-Standard Language<br>
1. What Constitutes Rural Language?<br>
2. The Structure of Standard Language and Role Language <br>
3. The Formation of Standard Language <br>
4. History of the Osaka and Kansai Characters <br>
Male Language: Its Root is Samurai Language <br>
1. A Change of Standard Language <br>
2. The History of Male Language <br>
3. Role language as a Kamen (Persona) <br>
Where is the Princess? Female Language <br>
1. Ochōfujin (Madame Butterfly)<br>
2. Gender Diff erences in Language <br>
3. Women in Ukiyoburo (The Bathhouse of the Floating World) <br>
4. Edo Language and Modern Female Language <br>
5. The Emergence of teyo dawa <br>
6. The Spread of the teyo dawa Language <br>
7. The Further Spread of the teyo dawa Language <br>
8. The Decline of the teyo dawa Language <br>

Perception to Aliens <br>
1. Aruyo Language <br>
2. Categorization of the Ijin (Alien) <br>
3. Language Projection <br>
4. The Prototype and Development of Aruyo Language <br>
5. Beyond Role Language<br>

Appendix <br>
Modern Japanese “Role Language” (Yakuwarigo):<br>
Fictionalised Orality in Japanese Literature and Popular Culture<br>
1. Introduction <br>
2. Some Key Concepts of Role Language<br>
2.1 Formation of Role Language <br>
2.2 Function of Role Language in Fiction<br>
2.3 Role Languages versus Sociolects/Actual Speech Styles<br>
2.4 Types of Role Language <br>
2.5 Role Language Research <br>
3. Analyses of Established Role Languages in Japanese Fiction<br>
3.1 Elderly Male Language <br>
3.2 Chinese Person Type: Aruyo Language<br>
3.3 Regional Dialect Speaker Types <br>
3.4 Gendered Types: Female Language and Male Language<br>
4. Crosslinguistic Studies of Role Languages <br>
5. Conclusions <br>

Sources of Texts


金水 敏
大阪大学 文学研究科 教授

About the Author

The author was born in Osaka in 1956 and studied Japanese linguistics at the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo. Since then, the author has conducted
research on the history of the Japanese language, especially the history of grammar.
In 2006, the author’s book Nihongo Sonzai Hyōgen no Rekishi (History of Existential Expression in Japanese) (Hituzi Syobo) was awarded the Shimmura Izuru Prize, whic…