全ての書籍 社会科学/社会 The Gender Politics of War Memory
紙 版
This volume examines the gendered politics of remembering
wartime and military sexual violence in Japan,
Germany and Australia. Drawing on a variety of disciplinary
perspectives, the authors explore a number of
key entanglements and conflicts, including the‘ comfort
women’ issue, using gender as an analytical category.
This volume will be of particular interest to readers
studying gender and sexuality, North East Asian history
and international relations, and conflict studies.
出版年月 | 2012年03月 |
ISBN | 978-4-87259-346-4 C3036 |
判型・頁数 | 菊判・180ページ |
定価 | 本体3,500円(税込3,850円) |
在庫 | 在庫僅少 |
This volume examines the gendered politics of remembering
wartime and military sexual violence in Japan,
Germany and Australia. Drawing on a variety of disciplinary
perspectives, the authors explore a number of
key entanglements and conflicts, including the‘ comfort
women’ issue, using gender as an analytical category.
This volume will be of particular interest to readers
studying gender and sexuality, North East Asian history
and international relations, and conflict studies.